3 comments on “Grafana through VirtualBox, Vagrant & Docker.

  1. Later still, while using this VM I bumped into another error. It seems my VirtualBox had been upgraded, but the VM couldn’t find the latest guest additions package.

    However, there is a simple fix: Simply go to the directory with the Vagrantfile for the Centos VM and run “vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest”

    This installs a plugin that will fix the guest additions for you when you start it up :)

  2. Thanks much for this nice tutorial. I’m running into an issue — while I can “SignUp” on the Grafana main page, and can select a dashboard, at the first refresh, I get a notification that says Unauthorized and all data goes away. Any ideas?

    • Hi, unfortunately I didn’t run into the issue you have. It remembered the details via a cookie as I recall. Unfortunately at the moment I’m without a laptop to try it out and see if I can make it happen too. Sorry about that, but you might need to check your security settings?

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